Who are we?
AUSGEL is Australian-owned, based in Brisbane.
The two owners have served a combined total of 23 years in the Australian Regular Army (full time) and have completed operational deployments overseas. Both are currently employed in the Emergency Services.
Ausgel owners and team members all share a passion for Gel Sport and are actively involved in the community. ALL of our profit is distributed back into the business, community and to charities including Street Smart (Neighbourhood Watch), Cadets and large community events.
We are the largest supplier of Gel Ball ammunition in Australia and sell at extremely competitive rates, to ensure the sport is accessible to as many people possible. Chinese prices, local stock.
We also sponsor a Speed Ball team for enthusiasts of a fast-paced play style.
We hope to serve the Gel Ball community well and look forward to meeting more and more of you at Queensland events as the sport continues to grow.
Phone: 0481185892
Location: Caboolture Qld